When the term complementary and alternative medicine is used, what comes to mind? Meditation, acupuncture, and massage therapy are what most people associate with this form of treatment. However, complementary and alternative medicine goes way beyond these practices. The 2007 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) shows that approximately 38 percent of adults use complementary and alternative medicine. The Mid-Maryland Musculoskeletal Institute is ready to take patients out of the realm of conventional medicine and will now offer alternative treatments including chiropractic services and trigger point therapy.
Joining our practice is Michael Gibson, D.C. who specializes in chiropractic services. His primary focus with MMI will be to treat neurological and musculoskeletal conditions; specifically pain areas located around the spine, chronic pain, neurological symptoms that radiate into the extremities and headaches. Dr. Gibson, in conjunction with other health care professionals, will provide a true integrative multidisciplinary approach. The goal is to expedite the recovery of the patient for a more satisfactory outcome.
Along with traditional chiropractic care, Dr. Gibson also brings state-of-the-art technology to the Frederick area. He is able to provide pain relief and restore range of motion without the need for “twisting” of the spine or bending of the patient, which is most commonly associated with manual adjustments. The system is designed to measure joint mobility of the human vertebra and also simulate a chiropractic adjustment and/or joint mobilization through the use of an instrument that delivers a percussive force. It is intended for measurement and treatment of the human spine and extremities. The purpose in treatment is to deliver a controlled force to the treatment areas. Not only can the computer achieve desired results, but there is no inherent risk to the therapy. It is effective for the youngest of children to the geriatric patient, and for anyone in between.
In addition to chiropractic services MMI is now offering a unique service known as Trigger Point Therapy. Donna Pendleton PT, CHT has been treating patients at MMI for 23 years and is strongly committed to providing the Frederick area with up-to-date, ground breaking treatments. Donna is now a trained professional in Trigger Point Therapies and is offering this unique service to the local community for the treatment of muscle tension and chronic pain.
Trigger Point Therapy has been adopted by American practitioners and is often confused with traditional acupuncture. It discards the concepts of energy flow and ideology, and instead focuses on treatment of disease, anatomy and musculoskeletal functions. The therapist inserts dry needles into “knots of tissue” to release tension and to relax and lengthen the muscle. Trigger Point Therapy is used for pain associated with scar tissue, muscular spasms, sprains and pulls, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, and tension headaches.
The doctors at MMI strive to provide the best and most complete care possible; and now adding chiropractic and trigger point therapy, as an additional service, will only help us continue this success. Patients now have another option of treatment for their rehabilitative care, all in one convenient facility.