Most people associate physical therapy with athletes or aging adults, but physical therapy is for everyone. Patients frequently ask, “why is physical therapy important?” The answer is simple. Physical therapy can make a variety of improvements for patients including restoring function, managing chronic issues, and preventing potential injuries.
You may know an athlete who has suffered a sports-related injury either in practice or on the field. After injuries, these athletes need to maintain a rigorous physical therapy regimen to return to play. The field, however, isn’t the only place where you can sustain injuries that diminish bodily function.
Plenty of patients need physical therapy after sprains, pulled muscles, and fractures. While plenty of these conditions can happen in sports, a good portion of cases come from accidents, falls, misuse, overuse, etc. No matter how you received an injury, a physical therapist will work with you to restore function and help you return to your normal lifestyle.
Managing chronic conditions and pain is another reason why physical therapy is important. Physical therapists commonly treat age-related conditions like arthritis and osteoporosis. In addition, they also treat overuse conditions like tendinitis or bursitis. Chronic joint and bone issues can lead to a great deal of physical pain. With the help of a physical therapist, you can ease your pain and improve your mobility.
Physical therapists can also help patients who aren’t injured, they also help patients prevent future injuries. A professional can identify weak areas and mobility difficulties that may result in problems later. This is one of the most overlooked aspects of physical therapy and helps prevent thousands of injuries for patients.
The purpose of physical therapy is to address problem areas of the body. This can be done for acute cases, ongoing pain, or even potential issues. The work of a physical therapist begins by understanding your needs, leveraging their extensive knowledge of the body, and providing you with a plan to aid your health.
Physical therapy plays a large role at the Mid-Maryland Musculoskeletal Institute. Our interdisciplinary team of specialists provides care for thousands. With an emphasis on non-invasive, non-surgical solutions that improve pain, you’ll receive the care you need to live your best life possible. Get started on your journey to a healthier body by learning more about physical medicine and rehabilitation.