There are many exciting new technologies in medicine, one of which is cold laser therapy. This low-level laser therapy is available for various conditions, like minor injuries, chronic pain, and inflammation. There remains, however, an important question: how does the treatment work, and how do you know when it's right for you?
This treatment goes by many names in addition to cold laser therapy. You may hear some physicians refer to this practice as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), low-power laser therapy (LPLT), soft laser biostimulation, and photobiomodulation.
Cold laser therapy uses a laser to stimulate healing with low light levels. These reduced light levels aren't hot enough to cauterize or break up tissue but have separate benefits. The treatment instead penetrates the joints and encourages your intracellular metabolism. When your cells absorb the light, they're encouraged to regenerate—leading to faster healing and reduced pain.
There are many instances where low-intensity laser therapy may be beneficial. Some of these instances include:
There are many applications for this treatment, and more are surfacing with improvements in technology. If you wonder whether your ailment can improve with low-power laser therapy, the best thing you can do is speak with a professional. A professional, like those at the Mid-Maryland Musculoskeletal Institute, can administer the treatment and recommend a frequency of therapy for your condition.
Soft laser biostimulation may help you with pain or inflammation, especially after an injury. If you believe that you can improve your condition with this therapy, you can easily book a consultation. For the best results, experience laser therapy with the Mid-Maryland Musculoskeletal Institute.