Benefits of Upper Body Strength Training
Having a strong upper body helps you lift and reach, but did you realize that it can also reduce the tension and complaints related to your neck and upper shoulders? Often people do not realize the potential ill effects of being sedentary or sitting for long periods have on our neck and spine. For example, neck and shoulder pains can be the result of sitting too long at your desk, computer, or long commute. Also, sustained sitting can potentially jeopardize shoulder function, adding to stiffness, weakness, or potentially a culprit to cause rotator cuff pathology. If neck and posterior muscles are not strong the negative effects of sitting for extended periods of time will be felt. Tension headaches, restricted range of motion, shoulder impingement, or frozen shoulder syndrome are all potential negative effects.
Think about your posture while sitting, standing, and working. Do you display a rounded shoulder forward head kyphotic upper back position? Overstretching the posterior muscles in awkward and poor posture can cause weakness. Our bodies are meant to move and promote good blood flow providing oxygenation to the muscles which depends on us moving about frequently. Lack of blood flow may cause numbness or swelling. You may also feel sluggish, tired, or even foggy in the brain. Sloppy and sustained sitting causes spine pressure to build, muscle and ligament sprain and strain, and the chest cavity can shrink which reduces lung oxygenation.
Exercising the upper body should be a part of your regular fitness. Simple neck stretching, upper body stretching, and some light weight lifting can lessen these potential harmful effects. Do some strength training for your upper body to include rows, planks, bench pressing, and triceps dips. It’s not necessary to join a gym. You can have a designed program at home. You may use resistance bands, your own body weight, or yoga stretching techniques. It’s the quality of your exercise patterns not the quantity that gets the best results. No matter what exercise you perform stay aware of your body and how it moves. Look in the mirror at your posture and make sure your head is balanced between your shoulders, your shoulders retracted into a more military posture. Slow down, bring awareness to your breath, and take your time. A healthy body is within your reach.
Be mindful of the following recommendations:
Have a problem joint or ache /pain??? Contact one of the therapists at The Centers For Advanced Orthopaedics- MMI Division to discuss and have an evaluation for your customized plan of care. Call us at 301-694-8311 or visit our Website at