If a work-related injury has caused you to be out for an extended period of time, you may be eager to get back. Especially when the bills start coming in.
Returning to work as quickly as possible is definitely less costly for your employer, but is also beneficial to you. Employees who go back to work sooner retain their skills, keep acclimated to their regular work schedule, and reduce negative financial consequences.
If you’re anxious to get back on the job ASAP, here are some ways you can speed up the recovery process and get back to work faster:
The first thing to do after a work-related injury is to see your general practitioner. Your doctor assesses the damage done and creates a recovery plan to get you back in action. This recovery plan could be anything from surgery and physical therapy to slight modifications to your daily activities.
Be sure to show up to all appointments made by your doctor and any referred specialists. Participate fully in your recovery plan, as it’s designed to help you get back to proper function as quickly as possible. Follow all instructions diligently to ensure that you will experience the desired results.
Call your employer regularly to update them on your progress. They need to know when they can expect you to return, and plan accordingly. Many employers require written communication from your doctor or care team regarding your return-to-work status, so be sure to ask after your appointments for this documentation and quickly pass it on to your boss. Keeping your employer in the loop also shows that you value your position in the company and are working hard to get back to it.
It can be easy to take on too much when you are home all day. Boredom sets in, and your to-do list is calling. But before you pick up that broom or set to work on painting that trim, remember: It is important not to do anything to exacerbate your injury. It could not only slow down your recovery, but it could create a brand new injury altogether!
Consult with your doctor before taking on any physical household chores.
When your doctor and employer agree that you are cleared to return to work, do so carefully. Most businesses have a return-to-work protocol that involves lighter duty at the beginning, eventually working your way up to your normal activities.
When you resume your normal workload, accept any safety recommendations such as modifying how you lift, wearing appropriate uniforms, and using provided safety gear (even if optional). Doing so will decrease your likelihood of another injury.
At the Centers for Advanced Orthopaedics - MMI Division, we are dedicated to helping injured workers meet maximum medical improvement. Our physicians are experienced in diagnosing and treating work-related injuries, and understand the importance of recommending modified duty to get you back to work faster. Our worker’s compensation coordinator makes sure any and all stakeholders in your care receive necessary communications and paperwork. Schedule your appointment today to get on your way back to work!