Spring is around the corner, so is the beginning of marathon running season. Have you lost your mojo? Sat around this winter too long?
Maybe you have gained a few added pounds. It’s a vicious cycle. The time away from training can pack on the pounds which in turn can weigh down your efforts to safely hit the road again. Carrying more body mass may slow your pace and make running harder on joints, ligaments, and muscles. Be mindful of this potential problem but don’t beat yourself up Instead look at this as temporary and focus on the process of changing it.
As spring returns, ramp back up, eat a diet full of nutrient rich foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Try some running on softer surfaces such as the C & O Canal, or a local high school track. Mix in some cross training such as biking and swimming. Don’t forget to add some strength training.
Properly executed squats, planks, and core work helps to reduce the risk of injury. Combining cardio and weight training helps to shed more fat than those folks who stuck with one type of exercise alone. Shaking things up with various exercise types and healthy eating can help you reconnect with the love of running. Sometimes picking a local road race such as a 5K, 10K, half or full marathon gives you that goal to reach for.
Do you have a nagging strain, pain or tight muscle that hinders your ability to participate? Don’t hesitate to call MMI for a consult with any of the sports medicine doctors or therapists. So get started easy, allow for rest days, and remember to “Get Back Out There” because spring is just around the corner.