With medical advances we have prolonged the years of our lives but many of these years are spent in morbidity. For this reason it is imperative that we encourage physical fitness at all ages. Recent figures released from the Center for Disease Control reports that 20% of our children are obese. This problem can often lead to secondary problems throughout adulthood including but not limited to Diabetes, Stroke, Heart Disease, and general poor health status as we age.
Our health care system is overburdened and faces increasing monetary and public health strain. We all need to be concerned and responsible for our own health habits
According to the US Census Bureau, more that 70 million people will be over the age of 65 by 2030. 20% of the US population will be 65 years or older by 2050. 80% of this population will have at least one chronic illness and 50% will have two or more.
Many of these problems we see our directly related to behavioral issues such as poor exercise and eating habits.
One third of people age 65 and older will experience a fall each year. Those who fall are two to three times more likely to have subsequent falls. The incidence of a fall or a fall related injury is associated with a high amount of costly hospital time. Research also support that adults who maintain a healthy life style and who participate in regular physical fitness are less likely to fall.
So, what can you do to lessen your chance of being one of these statistics? The following lists 6 tips to prevent a fall…..
Let us at MMI Rehabilitation help you with any of the above concerns and remember “Walk Strong and Live Long”